Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh Craigslist, how I love thee

In all honesty, I probably shouldn't be admitting this publicly…but it is one of my few favorite things to do during my (very) long and boring work day to sneak a quick peek at craigslist.org. I realize that this sounds kind of loopy…but it makes me feel good about myself in a strange way. You can't help but read the posting for "Wanted female roommate, non-smoker, clean, MUST have nice ass" and not have a few questions (and laughs).

This little diversion always leads me to ponder delightful and sometimes disturbing questions…What is the interview process for said roommate? If having a "nice ass" is such a high priority (obviously or it wouldn't have made it to the top 3) will that be in initial screening? Are photographs required with your application? How many applicants will this person have to sift through before finding the perfect ass to room with? Is general maintenance of said ass written into their lease (I would hope so)? And so on…

While I would like to be the perfect employee and always focused on the task at hand, it is often difficult when I know that only a few clicks away are the colorful ramblings of the Los Angeles community and other counties surrounding (I really only look a those when I have NOTHING to do). It's not like I don't hear my fare share of crazy ramblings at work – for example our CEO claims to have invented the internet (seriously) – but for some reason it is strangely comforting to know that I live in a city so accepting of such extreme personalities (note: we don't call my boss "crazy" or "extreme", he is merely "passionate" about his work.)

Should I be having a very slow day, it is even more fun to look at the personal ads –where having a nice ass is much higher on the priority list. I have to give these people kudos for being able to publicly put out there their inner-most desires and sometimes disgusting fetishes. How would you even begin to tell people that you met your date/significant other via craislist?

"Looking for meaningless sex, but would be open to relationship if the right one came along"

Again, so many questions pop into my head when reading that…

Maybe in some oddly perverted way I am hoping to find one of co-workers on there, just so I will have a little leverage the next time I might need it. I don't know. All I know is suddenly my life is lookin' a lot more bright and shiny after I read a few of those ads. I guess you do what you can to survive…

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